Staff Development

Staff Training on DPO (Disaster Psychiatry Outreach) by Doctor Taxman and Dr. Namita Rajouria Malla-Thank you Dr. Namita for planning and organizing this training. This training will be a great help for our teaching staff since it is related to mental health issues of child and adult following disaster.
Ullens Kindergarten
Professional Development Day: Literacy in the Classroom

On Sunday, October 26th, teachers and class assistants participated in a professional development day. Led by acting director, Dr. Jaddon Park, the focus was on language development, multilingualism, and emergent literacy. A few of the BIG IDEAS discussed during the day included:

  • Oral language of a first language (or mother tongue) and any additional languages takes place over a period of years, but the focus from the very beginning is on meaning.
  • Emergent reading and writing behaviours can be observed and used to determine developmental levels and inform instruction.

Our teachers also learned instructional strategies related to:

  • Reading aloud to children
  • Building students' vocabularie
  • Supporting students early attempts to engage in and experiment with reading and writing